live, love, laugh
читать дальше365 questions challenge
Days 1-8Day 1: List all the things you want to accomplish this year.
Перечислите все, чего хотите достигнуть в этом году.
Все планы/цели сюда, конечно, не вписать, нооооо:
- похудеть килограмм на 10, можно больше XD
- найти работу с определенной зарплатой в сфере секретарей/ПА.
- съездить за границу!
- вышить все, что запланировано и даже больше)) у меня конкретная цель: минимум 1200 крестиков в неделю)))
- отложить 50% суммы, необходимой для ремонта будущей квартиры
- свидания? бойфренд? секс? короче, хоть какое-то продвижение в этой сфере XDD
- начать учить третий язык! (скорее всего, французский)
Как-то так)) Все достижимо.
Day 2: What is the best way to motivate yourself?
В прошлом году я наконец поняла, что больше всего меня мотивирует признание. Во-первых, лайки и комментарии - к моим фотографиям, вышивкам. Конечно, вышиваю я не столько ради лайков, сколько потому, что у меня это получается, да и успокаивает; но вот фотографирую я именно для того, чтобы потом похвастаться. Поэтому эти два хобби, одно из которых я начала в 2014, а второе в 2015, - думаю, останутся со мной надолго))
Во-вторых, признание окружающих. На прошлой работе у меня этого было вдоволь — и начальство было щедро на похвалу, и преподаватели тоже не жалели доброго слова. Поэтому, хотя я и не очень-то любила то, чем занималась, продержалась там год. С другой стороны, в том числе поэтому я и ушла — поняла, что жажда чужого одобрения увела меня в сильный-сильный перекос. В любом случае, сейчас я потихоньку выравниваю это дело.
А вот самопоощрение на меня не действует
И материальное благополучие, если говорить о работе, тоже не самый главный фактор; да, я хочу зарабатывать достаточно, чтобы чувствовать себя свободно, но даже ради зп в пять раз больше, чем на прошлом месте, я не стану работать там, где меня не ценят XD
Day 3: List 6 things that you learned from last year. How will any of this help you in 2015?
Шесть! Господи ты боже мой.
- знакомые — не равны друзьям.
- а шумные вечеринки не заменяют посиделки с любимыми людьми. в новом году постараюсь работать над качеством общения — вместо количества.
- люди очень редко меняются к лучшему, особенно ради других людей (каждый год я это заново учу).
- я окончательно поняла, что работать мне надо среди людей. ищу соответственную работу
- даже маленькое свершение (законченная вышивка на сотню крестиков, разбор шкафа и т.д.) невероятно поднимает самооценку. больше, больше планов в новом году — но маленьких, а не громадных и невыполнимых.
- нужно быть благодарнее по отношению к родителям.
Day 4: Why is friendship important?
Вот я в прошлом году еще поняла: дружба важна даже не столько потому, что помогает против одиночества, а потому что мне (и многим, многим) нужны люди, которые скажут: "слушай, давай-ка выбирайся из трясины самосожаления".
Day 5: Why is love important?
Просто положу сюда цитату Лиама Нисона, которую я сегодня прочитала. Потому что — да.

Day 6: Is there a reason for everything that happens?
Я в это верю всей душой. Нет, я признаю случайности и не согласна, что все в нашей жизни "предначертано"; но все, что происходит, случается не просто так. Эммм. Да.
Day 7: List at least 5 things you like about yourself.
..............................терпеть не могу эти задания. Ну ладно, я:
- моментально разбираюсь во всем, что мне нужно понять/научиться делать.
- в целом люблю людей и быстро прощаю обиды.
- люблю животных! разве это не мило?
- если мне что-то нравится делать, эту страсть не задушить ничем.
- улыбка у меня добрая и голос приятный!
Day 8: List 2 things you dislike about yourself. How can you improve upon these flaws?
- характер. То, что называют short temper. Вечно я на эмоциях натворю чего-нибудь, а потом жалею. Когда меня несет — это все, прячьтесь. Как только над этим работать.... считать до десяти? Медитировать? Взвешивать слова и мессэджи?
- выше уже писала — я поняла, что слишком сильно завишу от других людей. Причем от всех вокруг. Буду учиться искать только своего собственного одобрения, и не стараться понравиться всем.
Day 9: What gets you up in the morning?
Ни-че-го. И это проблема ))
Day 10: For those who are feeling down, and it can include yourself, tell them why life is genuinely amazing.
Товарищи! Люди! В каждом дне есть чуть-чуть, но красоты и чуда, надо только посмотреть вокруг!
Day 11: Are you an optimist? Why or why not?
100% оптимист, потому что даже когда жизнь — дерьмо, все равно над нами сияют звезды, только нужно поднять голову к небу
Ну в общем, если серьезно, то даже когда все плохо, остается надежда на лучшее. И шанс что-то исправить.
Day 12: What are the pros for being positive? The cons?
Ну понятно, что позитивный настрой дает силы в самой тяжелой ситуации найти выход, а не метаться и биться головой об стены. С другой стороны, бывает, что за вечным позитивом скрываются серьезные проблемы, о которых старательно не думаешь.
Day 13: What are the pros for being pessimistic? The cons?
Нет ничего хорошего в том, чтобы быть пессимистом! И для здоровья это тоже вредно
читать дальшеDay 14: For the past 2 days, you have discussed why it is bad or good to be positive or pessimistic. Is it better to be positive or pessimistic?
Day 15: Have you ever completed a challenge before?
Day 16: What are some things you can see yourself always enjoying no matter how old you get?
Day 17: Do you notice the little things? Do you appreciate people noticing the little things you do?
Day 18: What is the most meaningful song to you right now?
Day 19: When was the last time you cried?
Day 20: When was the last time you got furious?
Day 21: Do you get angry at yourself or do you get sad? Do you get angry at other people or do you get disappointed? Is there a reason for this?
Day 22: Are you a judgmental person? Do you have high standards for others?
Day 23: Describe a memory from 2013. Any memory.
Day 24: Describe a memory from 2014. Any memory.
Day 25: When was the last time you wrote a meaningful text or letter to someone?
Day 26: How many lives do you think you have influenced? Do you think you have influenced them positively?
Day 27: What was one nice thing you did for for somebody else today?
Day 28: What have you accomplished this month?
Day 29: What do you want to accomplish in February?
Day 30: We're almost done with January! List 3 good things that happened this month.
Day 31: What is something meaningful that happened this month?
Day 32: First day of February! Look back at Day 29. How will you accomplish your goals?
Day 33: What do you tell yourself in order to motivate yourself?
Day 34: Do you think first impressions matter? Why? Why not?
Day 35: Do you think our generation is becoming smarter or dumber?
Day 36: What do you look for in a significant other?
Day 37: What are 3 things that truly impact your life, not including people?
Day 38: Is it possible to change your mindset in under 2 months? 1 month? 1 week? How long does it take you to change your mindset about things?
Day 39: Do you have a place that inspires you? Relaxes you? What is so special about this place? Do you think that this place is only special to you?
Day 40: Which is more important- imagination or logic? Why or why not?
Day 41: What do you look for in a relationship? Are you more serious or do you just want to have fun?
Day 42: Do you despise or dislike those who have different views from you? Do you look down on them? Or are you open-minded?
Day 43: Is isolation, even in the smallest way, healthy?
Day 44: Are any people, all the way to the core, completely shallow?
Day 45: When do you label a person as ignorant?
Day 46: Do you think people that complain often are annoying? Do you think you complain often? How do you stop someone from complaining?
Day 47: If you had an (another, if you already have one) older brother, how would that change your life? What about an older sister?
Day 48: When was the last time you asked someone a personal question? Did you end up having a personal conversation with them? How did this conversation affect you?
Day 49: Do you think you know yourself pretty well? Is there anyone who "knows you better than you know yourself?"
Day 50: Have you been trying to accomplish your goals? If not, can you not accomplish them or are you just being lazy? How can you stop yourself from being lazy?
Day 51: Who is the last person you met? What did you think of them? Have they affected your life in any way?
Day 52: What makes you nervous?
Day 53: How far in advance do you like to plan?
Day 54: Is it more important to love or to be loved?
Day 55: How would you describe life, generally? Not just yours, but just the idea of living?
Day 56: What is your most preferred medium for expressing art and emotion? Dance? Painting? If you do not use art to express yourself, what do you do with your feelings? Do you keep it inside of you?
Day 57: Have you ever fallen in love? Do you hope to (again)?
Day 58: Can teenagers fall in love? Or are they too young to know what love is? Is love limited to certain ages?
Day 59: What would people say about you at your graduation? If you've already graduated, what did people say?
Day 60: Who are the 3 most important people in your life at this moment?
Day 61: Do you like who you are? If not, are you striving to improve yourself?
Day 62: What have you learned the hard way?
Day 63: Looking back at your life, what are some things you got but never worked for? What parts of your life have been easy?
Day 64: Is anything stopping you from living the life you want to live? Or is your life fine the way it is?
Day 65: What can you do to make someone's day?
Day 66: Do you think anyone can truly accept themselves?
Day 67: Do your loved ones know that they are loved by you?
Day 68: Summarize yourself in 5 words.
Day 69: Describe yourself without using your name, or attributes given to you by society (ex. pretty, smart)
Day 70: What have you given up on? Will you ever try again?
Day 71: What are some things that people should never give up on? Why not?
Day 72: What are some things that are okay to give up on, if there is anything?
Day 73: When did you last do something outside of your comfort zone?
Day 74: How much control do you have over your life?
Day 75: How much control do you have over your feelings?
Day 76: Is it better to have an open mind in this kind of society?
Day 77: How much time do you think you waste?
Day 78: How has honor changed? Does honor still exist?
Day 79: Describe a time when you should have stood up for someone.
Day 80: What bad habits do you want to get rid of?
Day 81: What good habits do you want to develop?
Day 82: If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?
Day 83: Is it better to lie and not hurt your friend, or to tell the truth and hurt him/her?
Day 84: Are you satisfied with your life? Why/why not?
Day 85: If you could start your life over, what would you do differently?
Day 86: When did you have to go let go of someone or something? Did anything good come out from it?
Day 87: All good things must come to an end: what are your thoughts on this?
Day 88: When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you have done?
Day 89: If a friend spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, how long would the friendship last?
Day 90: If you had to teach one thing to everyone, what would it be (assuming that they learn it?)
Day 91: What is the last thing that you've done that’s really worth remembering?
Day 92: If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
Day 93: How have you spent most of your time for the past 2 months? Why?
Day 94: Do you have any long-term ambitions? What are you doing to pursue them?
Day 95: Which of these is more important: long-term ambitions, or short-term goals?
Day 96: What are some of your greatest fears?
Day 97: What have you done that you are most proud of?
Day 98: What is the wisest thing you have heard anyone say?
Day 99: Favorite quote about life and why.
Day 100: Do you get offended easily? Do you think that this is a good trait? Why or why not?
Day 101: What makes a meaningful life?
Day 102: Would you ever give up your life to save another?
Day 103: If you could relive one year, which year would it be? Why?
Day 104: Do you think everyone is worthy of love? Do you think you are worthy of love?
Day 105: What brings you down?
Day 106: How would the worlds of your friends and family be different if you were never born?
Day 107: Do you have any self restraint?
Day 108: What does success mean to you?
Day 109: What does failure mean to you?
Day 110: Do you think that asking the big questions to a friend that could potentially ruin the friendship is bad, or does it make the friendship better?
Day 111: What grabs your attention?
Day 112: What are some gifts that you will always appreciate? (can be physical, or intangible)
Day 113: What do you think about when you're by yourself?
Day 114: What is the most insensitive thing a person could do to you?
Day 115: What is the most insensitive thing you've ever done?
Day 116: What is the sweetest thing somebody has ever done for you?
Day 117: What is the sweetest thing you have ever done for somebody else?
Day 118: Do you think life is short? Or long? What makes life so quick/slow?
Day 119: Is there anything wrong with stereotyping? Have you ever been a victim of stereotyping?
Day 120: What makes someone a hero?
Day 121: What makes someone a villain?
Day 122: What makes someone a victim?
Day 123: What constitutes bravery?
Day 124: Define in your own words- beauty.
Day 125: Who do you spend most of your free time with?
Day 126: Where do you spend most of your time while you’re awake?
Day 127: Have the stars ever meant anything to you?
Day 128: What could society do without?
Day 129: What have you lost interest in recently?
Day 130: What have you gained interest in recently?
Day 131: How do you deal with isolation and loneliness?
Day 132: Do you think it is possible for a human being to forever be alone?
Day 133: In what way are you your own worst enemy?
Day 134: Describe the last dream you had?
Day 135: Are you easily influenced by people around you?
Day 136: Do you influence people around you?
Day 137: Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? Did you mean it?
Day 138: Is it possible to always be genuine and kind? When do you have to be mean to other people? When do you have to fake?
Day 139: When was the last time you were honest with someone?
Day 140: Think of a memory that can always make you laugh or smile. Describe it.
Day 141: How can you focus on the things that really matter in your life?
Day 142: What advice would you give to someone who is going through depression?
Day 143: What advice would you give to someone who is going through the grieving process for a major loss?
Day 144: What has been the most defining moment(s) in your life?
Day 145: What’s something new you recently learned about yourself?
Day 146: What do you sometimes pretend you understand that you really don’t?
Day 147: What is something that you can teach to others?
Day 148: Do you think you are heading down the right path?
Day 149: Is there anyone depending on you? Do they think you are dependable? Do you think you are dependable? How are they depending on you?
Day 150: Are you depending on anyone? Do you appreciate them? Do they know you appreciate them?
Day 151: What do you want more of in your life?
Day 152: What do you want less of in your life?
Day 153: Considering Day 151 and 152, are you still happy with what you have? Do you appreciate what you have?
Day 154: At what point during the last five years have you felt lost and alone?
Day 155: Is there anyone you want to forgive? Forget?
Day 156: When you meet someone for the very first time what do you want them to think about you?
Day 157: What has fear of failure stopped you from doing?
Day 158: What type of person angers you the most?
Day 159: What type of person makes you happiest?
Day 160: Which is better- an easily offended person who is genuinely nice, or a light-hearted person who is mean?
Day 161: Which one of your responsibilities do you wish you could get rid of?
Day 162: What positive changes have you made in your life recently?
Day 163: What has most negatively impacted your life?
Day 164: If you could live forever, would you want to? Why?
Day 165: What do you admire most about your family?
Day 166: What do you admire most about your friends?
Day 167: Is being impulsive a bad thing? Or is it just surprising?
Day 168: Is any person truly perfect? Do you idolize anybody? Do you think human beings have the capability to be perfect?
Day 169: When was the last time you expressed your feelings?
Day 170: Do you enjoy artistic challenges or problem solving?
Day 171: Who has been kindest to you, recently? Do they know you appreciate their kindness?
Day 172: What is your earliest memory? Was it a happy memory? Do you think that happy children turn into good people?
Day 173: What is your favorite memory, pertaining to the person who has been kindest to you?
Day 174: If you could hold on to one memory for the rest of your life, which memory would it be?
Day 175: How did you think your life would be like 2 years ago?
Day 176: How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
Day 177: How would you like to be remembered?
Day 178: If you were forced to leave everyone you know, would you say anything to anyone? Or would you leave quietly? You can't contact them ever again.
Day 179: What are some words of advice you would give to a toddler?
Day 180: What are some words of advice you would give to a teenager?
Day 181: Do you identify yourself as mature? Immature? Why?
Day 182: Is maturity something to be proud of? Is being more mature a good thing?
Day 183: How can reaching out to others hurt them? How can reaching out to others hurt yourself?
Day 184: Discuss this statement: Those who have not experienced enough are immature. Do you agree with this?
Day 185: Do you get jealous easily?
Day 186: Are you good at keeping touch with others?
Day 187: Have you had any sudden realizations about yourself or about others during this challenge?
Day 188: What does "I'm proud of you" mean to you?
Day 189: How would you describe yourself as a child? Were you happy?
Day 190: What question(s) should you never ask someone?
Day 191: What does it mean to be a good friend? Are you a good friend?
Day 192: When was the last time you helped a friend out through his/her emotional struggles?
Day 193: Do you think just being there for a friend is good enough?
Day 194: If you gave someone your real opinion in order to help him/her, but he/she was hurt by it, do you deserve to feel guilty? Or is guilt invalid because you were trying your best to help him/her?
Day 195: Are there some people who don't deserve to have friends?
Day 196: Are romantic relationships necessary to obtain happiness?
Day 197: What are your thoughts on casual sex?
Day 198: What are your thoughts on flirtatious people?
Day 199: What do you consider flirting?
Day 200: Can a guy and a girl have a platonic friendship without ever liking each other?
Day 201: Which is better: having lots of friends or 2 or 3 important friends?
Day 202: What can make commitment difficult? Easy?
Day 203: Do romantic relationships take away time from best friends?
Day 204: If a friend treated you badly, but came back to you in a time of need, would you help them?
Day 205: Is there a selfish intent behind every selfless action? Can people be truly selfless?
Day 206: When was the last time you were inspired by someone?
Day 207: When was the last time someone crushed your dreams? Do you think they were reasonable?
Day 208: What makes a good parent?
Day 209: What makes a bad parent?
Day 210: How will you take care of your kids, if you have any? If you don't want to have any kids, why not?
Day 211: Do you enjoy having people take care of you? Why or why not?
Day 212: A person takes care of everyone, but does not let anybody care for him/her. Why do you they do this do themselves?
Day 213: How do you think you've changed so far, this year?
Day 214: Do you enjoy changing yourself?
Day 215: Is change always for the better?
Day 216: Do you think no matter how much somebody changes, they still carry their old self with them? Or does that old self get erased completely when they change?
Day 217: If you hung out with your old friends, would things still be the same?
Day 218: Does love ever disappear? Can you truly stop caring about someone?
Day 219: Who puts your heart at ease?
Day 220: When you think of someone deeply and often, do you think you would think more greatly or more negatively of them?
Day 221: Describe a time in your life when this statement was proven true: "Actions speak louder than words."
Day 222: People who make fun of the things you genuinely like doing are assholes. Has anyone made fun of your hobbies before? When was the last time this happened?
Day 223: Which of these would you rather be: naturally talented or hard-working/having constant motivation?
Day 224: Who is the most honest person you know? Do you respect this trait or are they too hurtful?
Day 225: When talking about the truth, is it best to sugarcoat things or to show it as it is?
Day 226: How has music impacted your life?
Day 227: What is a song that motivates you?
Day 228: Which of these is better: being understanding, or being genuine?
Day 229: Is life hard? Why?
Day 230: Discuss if "going with the flow" is good or bad.
Day 231: Do you think you take proper care of your body? Are you aware of the consequences if you don't? Are you aware of the benefits if you do?
Day 232: What do you think about your body? Do you love your body?
Day 233: When was the last time you learned something because you wanted to, not because you needed to for school or work?
Day 234: Do you believe that knowledge is power? When does knowledge become dangerous?
Day 235: Do you feel insecure if other people are better than you?
Day 236: What are your standards and expectations for yourself? Do you think they are reasonable for a normal human being? Would you apply these to another person?
Day 237: Discuss this statement: Other people's successes are not your failures.
Day 238: Have you ever been stressed out about grades? What advice would you give to someone stressing out about grades?
Day 240: When was the last time you did something fun?
Day 241: Do you still look up to anyone? Why or why not?
Day 242: When was the last time you truly felt like you loved yourself?
Day 243: When was the last time you put yourself down?
Day 244: Why is "just get over it" bad advice?
Day 245: Do you think you are different from other people, or do you think you are ordinary? What makes you so different from others? What makes you like the others?
Day 246: Why do people lie? Do you lie for the same reasons?
Day 247: Do you want to be different from other people? Do you want to stand out?
Day 248: What was the last video game you played? Did you enjoy it?
Day 249: Have TV shows or video games or any media ever affected your life?
Day 250: What questions do you often ask yourself?
Day 251: What are some recent compliments you've received? Do you think that they are true?
Day 252: When was the last time you complimented someone? Do you think you brightened their day?
Day 253: When was the last time you insulted someone? Do you regret what you said?
Day 254: What is a change you need to make about your life before the year ends? What is a change you have made about your life?
Day 255: Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? (Search it up if you don't know what it is.) Would you ever want to try it, if you haven't?
Day 256: What were 10 good things about today?
Day 257: List 3 things you have been satisfied with lately.
Day 258: Have you ever given yourself away to someone who doesn't deserve you? What did you learn from this experience?
Day 259: Have any of the lessons you have learned saved you from getting into bad situations?
Day 260: When you are sad, do you get mad at others for being happy? Regardless of your answer, do you think that this is reasonable?
Day 261: When was the last time you got anxious?
Day 262: Is it possible to forget about people you care about through sheer willpower?
Day 263: Are you a good listener? Do you like talking or listening?
Day 264: What do people find most happiness in?
Day 265: Where are you happiest?
Day 266: When are you happiest?
Day 267: Do you try not to get sad, or do you just let it happen? How do you prevent yourself from getting sad?
Day 268: Is it bad to push your problems to the side if it means that you can live normally?
Day 269: When has anger ruined a friendship for you?
Day 270: Is it possible to fake sadness for attention? Do you know anybody who does this?
Day 271: Have you ever been obsessed with attention?
Day 272: Who have you interacted with this year? Are they the same people from last year?
Day 273: Who has been drifting away from your life? Do you want to talk to them again?
Day 274: Are you competitive? Do you like people who are competitive?
Day 275: Do you try your best in everything? Why or why not?
Day 276: Have you been late to anything this year? Why weren't you on time?
Day 277: What do you take pride in?
Day 278: Do you take the things you do seriously? Do you think you need to change your attitude, whether you are too light-hearted about things or too serious about things?
Day 279: Are you into more upbeat music or sadder, slower music?
Day 280: Would you rather change the world or change yourself?
Day 281: What do you think you are capable of?
Day 282: Do you make good decisions? Give an example of when you have made a good decision.
Day 283: Do you make bad decisions? Give an example of when you have made a bad decision.
Day 284: Do you think you are where you are now because of how hard you have worked, or how little you have worked? Are you in a good place right now?
Day 285: Are you the type to put off things until they are due? Why don't you do things earlier? Have you been procrastinating the entire year?
Day 286: Have your changes throughout the year been gradual or spontaneous? Which is the best kind of change?
Day 287: Is there anything wrong with wanting to look good for other people? What about for yourself?
Day 288: Have you kept up with current events?
Day 289: Have you been faithful to your resolutions? It is never too late to start them again.
Day 290: When is it too late for forgiveness?
Day 291: Do you give second or third or no chances to people? Why?
Day 292: Do you like people?
Day 293: What have you been enjoying lately?
Day 294: Have you ever met a person you could not relate to at all, or sympathize with?
Day 295: Do you tolerate things people do, or do you get angry at them?
Day 296: Are you accountable for your friends? Are your friends accountable for you?
Day 297: How important is accountability?
Day 298: Have you ever had a job before? Did you enjoy it? Do you have a job right now?
Day 299: Do you think you are spending your time well, recently? Why or why not?
Day 300: Do you try to make excuses for yourself? If yes, how can you prevent this?
Day 301: It is important to put all of your effort into anything you do, no matter what it is. Have you been trying to fulfill your accomplishments you had from the beginning of the year?
Day 302: Do you believe that there are stupid people or just lazy people?
Day 303: Have you ever lost to love? Have you ever been so infatuated with someone to the point where you found yourself changing because of them?
Day 304: Is it unhealthy to want to change for somebody else? Why or why not?
Day 305: What were you doing last year around this time of year?
Day 306: Have your views on anything changed since last year?
Day 307: Do you think it is good to look back at memories?
Day 308: Do you enjoy writing in journals?
Day 309: What do you think about when you listen to music?
Day 310: Why are words so powerful? Why do they affect us so deeply?
Day 311: What is human nature? How has human nature affected your life?
Day 312: Do you spend more time thinking about yourself or about other people?
Day 313: What is the most selfish thing someone could ever do?
Day 314: What is the most selfless thing someone could ever do?
Day 315: Have any of your friends hurt you this year? What did they do? Are you still friends?
Day 316: Does money matter to you?
Day 317: Can a person truly be confident or does that confidence stem from insecurity?
Day 318: Do you respect people more if they are confident? Why or why not? What is so attractive or unattractive about being confident?
Day 319: Do you think anybody should ever be satisfied with his/her life? Why or why not? When do you reach the peak of satisfaction?
Day 320: If you are not doing anything, you are wasting your life- do you disagree or agree with this?
Day 321: What is the most disgusting trait someone can have?
Day 322: When you are about to finish something, what do you think?
Day 323: Are the fundamentals always important?
Day 324: Do you think you have thought any thoughts that nobody else has ever thought about before?
Day 325: The year is almost over. Have you accomplished a lot so far? There is still time to accomplish things. Don't give up.
Day 326: What has stressed you out the most this year?
Day 327: Are you stressed out about anything right now?
Day 328: Which month has been the best so far? Do you think December will be the best month?
Day 329: How can goals make you blind to other things that are just as important? How can goals help you realize what is important?
Day 330: What words have affected you the most this year? (Can be from book, quote, advice)
Day 331: Have you ever gotten over jealousy or envy for someone?
Day 332: When was the last time you felt relieved of a burden?
Day 333: Do you think you aim for every opportunity that appears before you? Or do you let it pass because you are scared?
Day 334: What is wrong with a risky life?
Day 335: What do you want to accomplish in December?
Day 336: Look back at Day 322. Are you thinking these same thoughts as you are about to finish the year?
Day 337: How are you going to finish this year? Do you want this year to be special?
Day 338: What has been your favorite memory from November?
Day 339: What has caused you to change the most this year?
Day 340: What have you been thankful for this year?
Day 341: Have you taken some time to look back at 2014? Have you applied what you have learned from 2014 to this year?
Day 342: Have you been genuine towards others this year?
Day 343: Have you been trying your hardest this year?
Day 344: If you have answered no to all of these questions, it is never too late to start trying or being genuine. Please take this month to do that! Have you developed any romantic relationships with anyone this year?
Day 345: Do you think it is important to stay friends with your exes?
Day 346: Has anything meaningful happened in the past 2 months?
Day 347: List 5 things that you like about yourself. Is it the same as it was at the beginning of the year?
Day 348: Do you think you have matured this year? How so?
Day 349: Have you kept a positive mindset this year?
Day 350: Do you celebrate anything in Christmas? Who are you going to celebrate with, if you are? Do these people matter to you?
Day 351: How do you feel about people who don't think that their families are important?
Day 352: Do you think being emotional is being weak?
Day 353: What constitutes a mentally strong person?
Day 354: What constitutes a mentally weak person?
Day 355: Have you developed any obsessions over the year? Are any of these unhealthy? Are you trying to get rid of them?
Day 356: Who has been the most accountable friend over the past year?
Day 357: Looking back at 2015, do you regret anything?
Day 358: What have you learned this year?
Day 359: Do you plan to make next year special? Was 2015 special?
Day 360: What made 2015 unique?
Day 361: Even if you didn't stick to your resolutions, do you believe that you changed for the better this year?
Day 362: Are you ready for 2016? What do you want to accomplish next year?
Day 363: Has this challenge helped you with anything?
Day 364: Have you shown your friends and family members your appreciation for being in your life for yet another year?
Day 365: It's the last day of 2015. Look back at Day 1. Did you accomplish any of these? Try to make 2016 even more special than 2015. Hopefully you have had a great year. I enjoyed spending this year with you! Thank you for doing this challenge. I hope you have realized some wonderful things about yourself and your life. Have a nice last day of the year! <3
Days 1-8Day 1: List all the things you want to accomplish this year.
Перечислите все, чего хотите достигнуть в этом году.
Все планы/цели сюда, конечно, не вписать, нооооо:
- похудеть килограмм на 10, можно больше XD
- найти работу с определенной зарплатой в сфере секретарей/ПА.
- съездить за границу!
- вышить все, что запланировано и даже больше)) у меня конкретная цель: минимум 1200 крестиков в неделю)))
- отложить 50% суммы, необходимой для ремонта будущей квартиры
- свидания? бойфренд? секс? короче, хоть какое-то продвижение в этой сфере XDD
- начать учить третий язык! (скорее всего, французский)
Как-то так)) Все достижимо.
Day 2: What is the best way to motivate yourself?
В прошлом году я наконец поняла, что больше всего меня мотивирует признание. Во-первых, лайки и комментарии - к моим фотографиям, вышивкам. Конечно, вышиваю я не столько ради лайков, сколько потому, что у меня это получается, да и успокаивает; но вот фотографирую я именно для того, чтобы потом похвастаться. Поэтому эти два хобби, одно из которых я начала в 2014, а второе в 2015, - думаю, останутся со мной надолго))
Во-вторых, признание окружающих. На прошлой работе у меня этого было вдоволь — и начальство было щедро на похвалу, и преподаватели тоже не жалели доброго слова. Поэтому, хотя я и не очень-то любила то, чем занималась, продержалась там год. С другой стороны, в том числе поэтому я и ушла — поняла, что жажда чужого одобрения увела меня в сильный-сильный перекос. В любом случае, сейчас я потихоньку выравниваю это дело.
А вот самопоощрение на меня не действует

Day 3: List 6 things that you learned from last year. How will any of this help you in 2015?
Шесть! Господи ты боже мой.
- знакомые — не равны друзьям.
- а шумные вечеринки не заменяют посиделки с любимыми людьми. в новом году постараюсь работать над качеством общения — вместо количества.
- люди очень редко меняются к лучшему, особенно ради других людей (каждый год я это заново учу).
- я окончательно поняла, что работать мне надо среди людей. ищу соответственную работу
- даже маленькое свершение (законченная вышивка на сотню крестиков, разбор шкафа и т.д.) невероятно поднимает самооценку. больше, больше планов в новом году — но маленьких, а не громадных и невыполнимых.
- нужно быть благодарнее по отношению к родителям.
Day 4: Why is friendship important?
Вот я в прошлом году еще поняла: дружба важна даже не столько потому, что помогает против одиночества, а потому что мне (и многим, многим) нужны люди, которые скажут: "слушай, давай-ка выбирайся из трясины самосожаления".
Day 5: Why is love important?
Просто положу сюда цитату Лиама Нисона, которую я сегодня прочитала. Потому что — да.

Day 6: Is there a reason for everything that happens?
Я в это верю всей душой. Нет, я признаю случайности и не согласна, что все в нашей жизни "предначертано"; но все, что происходит, случается не просто так. Эммм. Да.
Day 7: List at least 5 things you like about yourself.
..............................терпеть не могу эти задания. Ну ладно, я:
- моментально разбираюсь во всем, что мне нужно понять/научиться делать.
- в целом люблю людей и быстро прощаю обиды.
- люблю животных! разве это не мило?
- если мне что-то нравится делать, эту страсть не задушить ничем.
- улыбка у меня добрая и голос приятный!
Day 8: List 2 things you dislike about yourself. How can you improve upon these flaws?
- характер. То, что называют short temper. Вечно я на эмоциях натворю чего-нибудь, а потом жалею. Когда меня несет — это все, прячьтесь. Как только над этим работать.... считать до десяти? Медитировать? Взвешивать слова и мессэджи?
- выше уже писала — я поняла, что слишком сильно завишу от других людей. Причем от всех вокруг. Буду учиться искать только своего собственного одобрения, и не стараться понравиться всем.
Day 9: What gets you up in the morning?
Ни-че-го. И это проблема ))
Day 10: For those who are feeling down, and it can include yourself, tell them why life is genuinely amazing.
Товарищи! Люди! В каждом дне есть чуть-чуть, но красоты и чуда, надо только посмотреть вокруг!
Day 11: Are you an optimist? Why or why not?
100% оптимист, потому что даже когда жизнь — дерьмо, все равно над нами сияют звезды, только нужно поднять голову к небу

Day 12: What are the pros for being positive? The cons?
Ну понятно, что позитивный настрой дает силы в самой тяжелой ситуации найти выход, а не метаться и биться головой об стены. С другой стороны, бывает, что за вечным позитивом скрываются серьезные проблемы, о которых старательно не думаешь.
Day 13: What are the pros for being pessimistic? The cons?
Нет ничего хорошего в том, чтобы быть пессимистом! И для здоровья это тоже вредно

читать дальшеDay 14: For the past 2 days, you have discussed why it is bad or good to be positive or pessimistic. Is it better to be positive or pessimistic?
Day 15: Have you ever completed a challenge before?
Day 16: What are some things you can see yourself always enjoying no matter how old you get?
Day 17: Do you notice the little things? Do you appreciate people noticing the little things you do?
Day 18: What is the most meaningful song to you right now?
Day 19: When was the last time you cried?
Day 20: When was the last time you got furious?
Day 21: Do you get angry at yourself or do you get sad? Do you get angry at other people or do you get disappointed? Is there a reason for this?
Day 22: Are you a judgmental person? Do you have high standards for others?
Day 23: Describe a memory from 2013. Any memory.
Day 24: Describe a memory from 2014. Any memory.
Day 25: When was the last time you wrote a meaningful text or letter to someone?
Day 26: How many lives do you think you have influenced? Do you think you have influenced them positively?
Day 27: What was one nice thing you did for for somebody else today?
Day 28: What have you accomplished this month?
Day 29: What do you want to accomplish in February?
Day 30: We're almost done with January! List 3 good things that happened this month.
Day 31: What is something meaningful that happened this month?
Day 32: First day of February! Look back at Day 29. How will you accomplish your goals?
Day 33: What do you tell yourself in order to motivate yourself?
Day 34: Do you think first impressions matter? Why? Why not?
Day 35: Do you think our generation is becoming smarter or dumber?
Day 36: What do you look for in a significant other?
Day 37: What are 3 things that truly impact your life, not including people?
Day 38: Is it possible to change your mindset in under 2 months? 1 month? 1 week? How long does it take you to change your mindset about things?
Day 39: Do you have a place that inspires you? Relaxes you? What is so special about this place? Do you think that this place is only special to you?
Day 40: Which is more important- imagination or logic? Why or why not?
Day 41: What do you look for in a relationship? Are you more serious or do you just want to have fun?
Day 42: Do you despise or dislike those who have different views from you? Do you look down on them? Or are you open-minded?
Day 43: Is isolation, even in the smallest way, healthy?
Day 44: Are any people, all the way to the core, completely shallow?
Day 45: When do you label a person as ignorant?
Day 46: Do you think people that complain often are annoying? Do you think you complain often? How do you stop someone from complaining?
Day 47: If you had an (another, if you already have one) older brother, how would that change your life? What about an older sister?
Day 48: When was the last time you asked someone a personal question? Did you end up having a personal conversation with them? How did this conversation affect you?
Day 49: Do you think you know yourself pretty well? Is there anyone who "knows you better than you know yourself?"
Day 50: Have you been trying to accomplish your goals? If not, can you not accomplish them or are you just being lazy? How can you stop yourself from being lazy?
Day 51: Who is the last person you met? What did you think of them? Have they affected your life in any way?
Day 52: What makes you nervous?
Day 53: How far in advance do you like to plan?
Day 54: Is it more important to love or to be loved?
Day 55: How would you describe life, generally? Not just yours, but just the idea of living?
Day 56: What is your most preferred medium for expressing art and emotion? Dance? Painting? If you do not use art to express yourself, what do you do with your feelings? Do you keep it inside of you?
Day 57: Have you ever fallen in love? Do you hope to (again)?
Day 58: Can teenagers fall in love? Or are they too young to know what love is? Is love limited to certain ages?
Day 59: What would people say about you at your graduation? If you've already graduated, what did people say?
Day 60: Who are the 3 most important people in your life at this moment?
Day 61: Do you like who you are? If not, are you striving to improve yourself?
Day 62: What have you learned the hard way?
Day 63: Looking back at your life, what are some things you got but never worked for? What parts of your life have been easy?
Day 64: Is anything stopping you from living the life you want to live? Or is your life fine the way it is?
Day 65: What can you do to make someone's day?
Day 66: Do you think anyone can truly accept themselves?
Day 67: Do your loved ones know that they are loved by you?
Day 68: Summarize yourself in 5 words.
Day 69: Describe yourself without using your name, or attributes given to you by society (ex. pretty, smart)
Day 70: What have you given up on? Will you ever try again?
Day 71: What are some things that people should never give up on? Why not?
Day 72: What are some things that are okay to give up on, if there is anything?
Day 73: When did you last do something outside of your comfort zone?
Day 74: How much control do you have over your life?
Day 75: How much control do you have over your feelings?
Day 76: Is it better to have an open mind in this kind of society?
Day 77: How much time do you think you waste?
Day 78: How has honor changed? Does honor still exist?
Day 79: Describe a time when you should have stood up for someone.
Day 80: What bad habits do you want to get rid of?
Day 81: What good habits do you want to develop?
Day 82: If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?
Day 83: Is it better to lie and not hurt your friend, or to tell the truth and hurt him/her?
Day 84: Are you satisfied with your life? Why/why not?
Day 85: If you could start your life over, what would you do differently?
Day 86: When did you have to go let go of someone or something? Did anything good come out from it?
Day 87: All good things must come to an end: what are your thoughts on this?
Day 88: When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you have done?
Day 89: If a friend spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, how long would the friendship last?
Day 90: If you had to teach one thing to everyone, what would it be (assuming that they learn it?)
Day 91: What is the last thing that you've done that’s really worth remembering?
Day 92: If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
Day 93: How have you spent most of your time for the past 2 months? Why?
Day 94: Do you have any long-term ambitions? What are you doing to pursue them?
Day 95: Which of these is more important: long-term ambitions, or short-term goals?
Day 96: What are some of your greatest fears?
Day 97: What have you done that you are most proud of?
Day 98: What is the wisest thing you have heard anyone say?
Day 99: Favorite quote about life and why.
Day 100: Do you get offended easily? Do you think that this is a good trait? Why or why not?
Day 101: What makes a meaningful life?
Day 102: Would you ever give up your life to save another?
Day 103: If you could relive one year, which year would it be? Why?
Day 104: Do you think everyone is worthy of love? Do you think you are worthy of love?
Day 105: What brings you down?
Day 106: How would the worlds of your friends and family be different if you were never born?
Day 107: Do you have any self restraint?
Day 108: What does success mean to you?
Day 109: What does failure mean to you?
Day 110: Do you think that asking the big questions to a friend that could potentially ruin the friendship is bad, or does it make the friendship better?
Day 111: What grabs your attention?
Day 112: What are some gifts that you will always appreciate? (can be physical, or intangible)
Day 113: What do you think about when you're by yourself?
Day 114: What is the most insensitive thing a person could do to you?
Day 115: What is the most insensitive thing you've ever done?
Day 116: What is the sweetest thing somebody has ever done for you?
Day 117: What is the sweetest thing you have ever done for somebody else?
Day 118: Do you think life is short? Or long? What makes life so quick/slow?
Day 119: Is there anything wrong with stereotyping? Have you ever been a victim of stereotyping?
Day 120: What makes someone a hero?
Day 121: What makes someone a villain?
Day 122: What makes someone a victim?
Day 123: What constitutes bravery?
Day 124: Define in your own words- beauty.
Day 125: Who do you spend most of your free time with?
Day 126: Where do you spend most of your time while you’re awake?
Day 127: Have the stars ever meant anything to you?
Day 128: What could society do without?
Day 129: What have you lost interest in recently?
Day 130: What have you gained interest in recently?
Day 131: How do you deal with isolation and loneliness?
Day 132: Do you think it is possible for a human being to forever be alone?
Day 133: In what way are you your own worst enemy?
Day 134: Describe the last dream you had?
Day 135: Are you easily influenced by people around you?
Day 136: Do you influence people around you?
Day 137: Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? Did you mean it?
Day 138: Is it possible to always be genuine and kind? When do you have to be mean to other people? When do you have to fake?
Day 139: When was the last time you were honest with someone?
Day 140: Think of a memory that can always make you laugh or smile. Describe it.
Day 141: How can you focus on the things that really matter in your life?
Day 142: What advice would you give to someone who is going through depression?
Day 143: What advice would you give to someone who is going through the grieving process for a major loss?
Day 144: What has been the most defining moment(s) in your life?
Day 145: What’s something new you recently learned about yourself?
Day 146: What do you sometimes pretend you understand that you really don’t?
Day 147: What is something that you can teach to others?
Day 148: Do you think you are heading down the right path?
Day 149: Is there anyone depending on you? Do they think you are dependable? Do you think you are dependable? How are they depending on you?
Day 150: Are you depending on anyone? Do you appreciate them? Do they know you appreciate them?
Day 151: What do you want more of in your life?
Day 152: What do you want less of in your life?
Day 153: Considering Day 151 and 152, are you still happy with what you have? Do you appreciate what you have?
Day 154: At what point during the last five years have you felt lost and alone?
Day 155: Is there anyone you want to forgive? Forget?
Day 156: When you meet someone for the very first time what do you want them to think about you?
Day 157: What has fear of failure stopped you from doing?
Day 158: What type of person angers you the most?
Day 159: What type of person makes you happiest?
Day 160: Which is better- an easily offended person who is genuinely nice, or a light-hearted person who is mean?
Day 161: Which one of your responsibilities do you wish you could get rid of?
Day 162: What positive changes have you made in your life recently?
Day 163: What has most negatively impacted your life?
Day 164: If you could live forever, would you want to? Why?
Day 165: What do you admire most about your family?
Day 166: What do you admire most about your friends?
Day 167: Is being impulsive a bad thing? Or is it just surprising?
Day 168: Is any person truly perfect? Do you idolize anybody? Do you think human beings have the capability to be perfect?
Day 169: When was the last time you expressed your feelings?
Day 170: Do you enjoy artistic challenges or problem solving?
Day 171: Who has been kindest to you, recently? Do they know you appreciate their kindness?
Day 172: What is your earliest memory? Was it a happy memory? Do you think that happy children turn into good people?
Day 173: What is your favorite memory, pertaining to the person who has been kindest to you?
Day 174: If you could hold on to one memory for the rest of your life, which memory would it be?
Day 175: How did you think your life would be like 2 years ago?
Day 176: How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
Day 177: How would you like to be remembered?
Day 178: If you were forced to leave everyone you know, would you say anything to anyone? Or would you leave quietly? You can't contact them ever again.
Day 179: What are some words of advice you would give to a toddler?
Day 180: What are some words of advice you would give to a teenager?
Day 181: Do you identify yourself as mature? Immature? Why?
Day 182: Is maturity something to be proud of? Is being more mature a good thing?
Day 183: How can reaching out to others hurt them? How can reaching out to others hurt yourself?
Day 184: Discuss this statement: Those who have not experienced enough are immature. Do you agree with this?
Day 185: Do you get jealous easily?
Day 186: Are you good at keeping touch with others?
Day 187: Have you had any sudden realizations about yourself or about others during this challenge?
Day 188: What does "I'm proud of you" mean to you?
Day 189: How would you describe yourself as a child? Were you happy?
Day 190: What question(s) should you never ask someone?
Day 191: What does it mean to be a good friend? Are you a good friend?
Day 192: When was the last time you helped a friend out through his/her emotional struggles?
Day 193: Do you think just being there for a friend is good enough?
Day 194: If you gave someone your real opinion in order to help him/her, but he/she was hurt by it, do you deserve to feel guilty? Or is guilt invalid because you were trying your best to help him/her?
Day 195: Are there some people who don't deserve to have friends?
Day 196: Are romantic relationships necessary to obtain happiness?
Day 197: What are your thoughts on casual sex?
Day 198: What are your thoughts on flirtatious people?
Day 199: What do you consider flirting?
Day 200: Can a guy and a girl have a platonic friendship without ever liking each other?
Day 201: Which is better: having lots of friends or 2 or 3 important friends?
Day 202: What can make commitment difficult? Easy?
Day 203: Do romantic relationships take away time from best friends?
Day 204: If a friend treated you badly, but came back to you in a time of need, would you help them?
Day 205: Is there a selfish intent behind every selfless action? Can people be truly selfless?
Day 206: When was the last time you were inspired by someone?
Day 207: When was the last time someone crushed your dreams? Do you think they were reasonable?
Day 208: What makes a good parent?
Day 209: What makes a bad parent?
Day 210: How will you take care of your kids, if you have any? If you don't want to have any kids, why not?
Day 211: Do you enjoy having people take care of you? Why or why not?
Day 212: A person takes care of everyone, but does not let anybody care for him/her. Why do you they do this do themselves?
Day 213: How do you think you've changed so far, this year?
Day 214: Do you enjoy changing yourself?
Day 215: Is change always for the better?
Day 216: Do you think no matter how much somebody changes, they still carry their old self with them? Or does that old self get erased completely when they change?
Day 217: If you hung out with your old friends, would things still be the same?
Day 218: Does love ever disappear? Can you truly stop caring about someone?
Day 219: Who puts your heart at ease?
Day 220: When you think of someone deeply and often, do you think you would think more greatly or more negatively of them?
Day 221: Describe a time in your life when this statement was proven true: "Actions speak louder than words."
Day 222: People who make fun of the things you genuinely like doing are assholes. Has anyone made fun of your hobbies before? When was the last time this happened?
Day 223: Which of these would you rather be: naturally talented or hard-working/having constant motivation?
Day 224: Who is the most honest person you know? Do you respect this trait or are they too hurtful?
Day 225: When talking about the truth, is it best to sugarcoat things or to show it as it is?
Day 226: How has music impacted your life?
Day 227: What is a song that motivates you?
Day 228: Which of these is better: being understanding, or being genuine?
Day 229: Is life hard? Why?
Day 230: Discuss if "going with the flow" is good or bad.
Day 231: Do you think you take proper care of your body? Are you aware of the consequences if you don't? Are you aware of the benefits if you do?
Day 232: What do you think about your body? Do you love your body?
Day 233: When was the last time you learned something because you wanted to, not because you needed to for school or work?
Day 234: Do you believe that knowledge is power? When does knowledge become dangerous?
Day 235: Do you feel insecure if other people are better than you?
Day 236: What are your standards and expectations for yourself? Do you think they are reasonable for a normal human being? Would you apply these to another person?
Day 237: Discuss this statement: Other people's successes are not your failures.
Day 238: Have you ever been stressed out about grades? What advice would you give to someone stressing out about grades?
Day 240: When was the last time you did something fun?
Day 241: Do you still look up to anyone? Why or why not?
Day 242: When was the last time you truly felt like you loved yourself?
Day 243: When was the last time you put yourself down?
Day 244: Why is "just get over it" bad advice?
Day 245: Do you think you are different from other people, or do you think you are ordinary? What makes you so different from others? What makes you like the others?
Day 246: Why do people lie? Do you lie for the same reasons?
Day 247: Do you want to be different from other people? Do you want to stand out?
Day 248: What was the last video game you played? Did you enjoy it?
Day 249: Have TV shows or video games or any media ever affected your life?
Day 250: What questions do you often ask yourself?
Day 251: What are some recent compliments you've received? Do you think that they are true?
Day 252: When was the last time you complimented someone? Do you think you brightened their day?
Day 253: When was the last time you insulted someone? Do you regret what you said?
Day 254: What is a change you need to make about your life before the year ends? What is a change you have made about your life?
Day 255: Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? (Search it up if you don't know what it is.) Would you ever want to try it, if you haven't?
Day 256: What were 10 good things about today?
Day 257: List 3 things you have been satisfied with lately.
Day 258: Have you ever given yourself away to someone who doesn't deserve you? What did you learn from this experience?
Day 259: Have any of the lessons you have learned saved you from getting into bad situations?
Day 260: When you are sad, do you get mad at others for being happy? Regardless of your answer, do you think that this is reasonable?
Day 261: When was the last time you got anxious?
Day 262: Is it possible to forget about people you care about through sheer willpower?
Day 263: Are you a good listener? Do you like talking or listening?
Day 264: What do people find most happiness in?
Day 265: Where are you happiest?
Day 266: When are you happiest?
Day 267: Do you try not to get sad, or do you just let it happen? How do you prevent yourself from getting sad?
Day 268: Is it bad to push your problems to the side if it means that you can live normally?
Day 269: When has anger ruined a friendship for you?
Day 270: Is it possible to fake sadness for attention? Do you know anybody who does this?
Day 271: Have you ever been obsessed with attention?
Day 272: Who have you interacted with this year? Are they the same people from last year?
Day 273: Who has been drifting away from your life? Do you want to talk to them again?
Day 274: Are you competitive? Do you like people who are competitive?
Day 275: Do you try your best in everything? Why or why not?
Day 276: Have you been late to anything this year? Why weren't you on time?
Day 277: What do you take pride in?
Day 278: Do you take the things you do seriously? Do you think you need to change your attitude, whether you are too light-hearted about things or too serious about things?
Day 279: Are you into more upbeat music or sadder, slower music?
Day 280: Would you rather change the world or change yourself?
Day 281: What do you think you are capable of?
Day 282: Do you make good decisions? Give an example of when you have made a good decision.
Day 283: Do you make bad decisions? Give an example of when you have made a bad decision.
Day 284: Do you think you are where you are now because of how hard you have worked, or how little you have worked? Are you in a good place right now?
Day 285: Are you the type to put off things until they are due? Why don't you do things earlier? Have you been procrastinating the entire year?
Day 286: Have your changes throughout the year been gradual or spontaneous? Which is the best kind of change?
Day 287: Is there anything wrong with wanting to look good for other people? What about for yourself?
Day 288: Have you kept up with current events?
Day 289: Have you been faithful to your resolutions? It is never too late to start them again.
Day 290: When is it too late for forgiveness?
Day 291: Do you give second or third or no chances to people? Why?
Day 292: Do you like people?
Day 293: What have you been enjoying lately?
Day 294: Have you ever met a person you could not relate to at all, or sympathize with?
Day 295: Do you tolerate things people do, or do you get angry at them?
Day 296: Are you accountable for your friends? Are your friends accountable for you?
Day 297: How important is accountability?
Day 298: Have you ever had a job before? Did you enjoy it? Do you have a job right now?
Day 299: Do you think you are spending your time well, recently? Why or why not?
Day 300: Do you try to make excuses for yourself? If yes, how can you prevent this?
Day 301: It is important to put all of your effort into anything you do, no matter what it is. Have you been trying to fulfill your accomplishments you had from the beginning of the year?
Day 302: Do you believe that there are stupid people or just lazy people?
Day 303: Have you ever lost to love? Have you ever been so infatuated with someone to the point where you found yourself changing because of them?
Day 304: Is it unhealthy to want to change for somebody else? Why or why not?
Day 305: What were you doing last year around this time of year?
Day 306: Have your views on anything changed since last year?
Day 307: Do you think it is good to look back at memories?
Day 308: Do you enjoy writing in journals?
Day 309: What do you think about when you listen to music?
Day 310: Why are words so powerful? Why do they affect us so deeply?
Day 311: What is human nature? How has human nature affected your life?
Day 312: Do you spend more time thinking about yourself or about other people?
Day 313: What is the most selfish thing someone could ever do?
Day 314: What is the most selfless thing someone could ever do?
Day 315: Have any of your friends hurt you this year? What did they do? Are you still friends?
Day 316: Does money matter to you?
Day 317: Can a person truly be confident or does that confidence stem from insecurity?
Day 318: Do you respect people more if they are confident? Why or why not? What is so attractive or unattractive about being confident?
Day 319: Do you think anybody should ever be satisfied with his/her life? Why or why not? When do you reach the peak of satisfaction?
Day 320: If you are not doing anything, you are wasting your life- do you disagree or agree with this?
Day 321: What is the most disgusting trait someone can have?
Day 322: When you are about to finish something, what do you think?
Day 323: Are the fundamentals always important?
Day 324: Do you think you have thought any thoughts that nobody else has ever thought about before?
Day 325: The year is almost over. Have you accomplished a lot so far? There is still time to accomplish things. Don't give up.
Day 326: What has stressed you out the most this year?
Day 327: Are you stressed out about anything right now?
Day 328: Which month has been the best so far? Do you think December will be the best month?
Day 329: How can goals make you blind to other things that are just as important? How can goals help you realize what is important?
Day 330: What words have affected you the most this year? (Can be from book, quote, advice)
Day 331: Have you ever gotten over jealousy or envy for someone?
Day 332: When was the last time you felt relieved of a burden?
Day 333: Do you think you aim for every opportunity that appears before you? Or do you let it pass because you are scared?
Day 334: What is wrong with a risky life?
Day 335: What do you want to accomplish in December?
Day 336: Look back at Day 322. Are you thinking these same thoughts as you are about to finish the year?
Day 337: How are you going to finish this year? Do you want this year to be special?
Day 338: What has been your favorite memory from November?
Day 339: What has caused you to change the most this year?
Day 340: What have you been thankful for this year?
Day 341: Have you taken some time to look back at 2014? Have you applied what you have learned from 2014 to this year?
Day 342: Have you been genuine towards others this year?
Day 343: Have you been trying your hardest this year?
Day 344: If you have answered no to all of these questions, it is never too late to start trying or being genuine. Please take this month to do that! Have you developed any romantic relationships with anyone this year?
Day 345: Do you think it is important to stay friends with your exes?
Day 346: Has anything meaningful happened in the past 2 months?
Day 347: List 5 things that you like about yourself. Is it the same as it was at the beginning of the year?
Day 348: Do you think you have matured this year? How so?
Day 349: Have you kept a positive mindset this year?
Day 350: Do you celebrate anything in Christmas? Who are you going to celebrate with, if you are? Do these people matter to you?
Day 351: How do you feel about people who don't think that their families are important?
Day 352: Do you think being emotional is being weak?
Day 353: What constitutes a mentally strong person?
Day 354: What constitutes a mentally weak person?
Day 355: Have you developed any obsessions over the year? Are any of these unhealthy? Are you trying to get rid of them?
Day 356: Who has been the most accountable friend over the past year?
Day 357: Looking back at 2015, do you regret anything?
Day 358: What have you learned this year?
Day 359: Do you plan to make next year special? Was 2015 special?
Day 360: What made 2015 unique?
Day 361: Even if you didn't stick to your resolutions, do you believe that you changed for the better this year?
Day 362: Are you ready for 2016? What do you want to accomplish next year?
Day 363: Has this challenge helped you with anything?
Day 364: Have you shown your friends and family members your appreciation for being in your life for yet another year?
Day 365: It's the last day of 2015. Look back at Day 1. Did you accomplish any of these? Try to make 2016 even more special than 2015. Hopefully you have had a great year. I enjoyed spending this year with you! Thank you for doing this challenge. I hope you have realized some wonderful things about yourself and your life. Have a nice last day of the year! <3